Episode List

Browse Through Our Episodes

Episode 3: A More Perfect Union

You say you want a revolution. Well, you know… sometimes you find it in the most unexpected, but shockingly...

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Episode 4: First, Do No Harm

There are 613 statutes in the ancient Hebrew law. How many are there in the new law?

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Episode 5: John Wick or Jesus?

In this new Kingdom of Heaven, what are the standards of crime and punishment? Of law and order?

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Episode 6: Inside Outside Upside Down

After 50 years of all-out war, who is winning? And, remind me, who are we supposed to be fighting?

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Episode 7: We’ve Seen Worse

We’ve been doing the same things over and over again, expecting different results. Some would say that’s the definition...

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Episode 8: By the Authority Vested

Who are the first twelve people you meet in the Kingdom of Heaven? And what can they tell us...

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Episode 9: The Yeast of These

The ten chapters of Matthew 13—22 are about the same thing, and it’s one of Matthew’s central ideas. But...

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Episode 10: Hic Sunt Dracones

Is it a persistent illusion, or delusion, that we see ourselves as inherently better than the ancient followers of...

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Episode 11: What Does God Look Like?

Good Church People have a problem with legalism. It’s a problem they recognize, but they can’t seem to rid...

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